WICCA Wicca, is a Neo-pagan (meaning "new pagan") religion popularized by a British man named Gerald Gardner in the 1940s. Gardner called Wicca the "witch cult" and "witchcraft" and its followers the "Wica". The word "Wicca" means "Witch" in Old English. People who follow Wicca are called "Wiccans." BELIEFS There are many different traditions of Wicca, yet many are common beliefs shared by all Wiccans, such as the afterlife, magic and morality. God and Goddess Not all Wiccans believe in a God and Goddess. Those that do believe that the God and Goddess are equal. Sometimes the Goddess is seen as more important than the God. The God and Goddess can split into different Gods and Goddesses. There are some Wiccans who mostly worship the Goddess only. Practices Altars A p...